Friday, February 11, 2011

Not My Baby, No Way -- Part Four

Continuing with my ongoing efforts to put my work out there, I have two posts up this week. The first was a 250 word challenge by author Janet Tronstad on the e-harlequin blog. The short short is titled Dr. Millam's Valentine.

The second should be posted on Valentine's Day as part of a competition to win a mentor for a month. I will post an exact link when it is up.

My next Not My Baby event: subbing.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy.

Abbi :-) 191 days


  1. I got my Valentine's confirmation email from Dee, so I'm in, too! I had such a great time working on this entry. The most writing fun I've had in a while.

    Good luck!

  2. Hey, Julia,

    I'm still waiting on my confirmation from Dee. I sent mine in early on the 12th, so hopefully I'll get it soon.

    I'm looking forward to reading all of the entries.

    Good luck to you too!

    Abbi :-)

  3. Tell me where to go and vote for the contest. I can never seem to figure those things out.

    I'm rooting for you, Abbi! Good luck!
