Friday, February 4, 2011

Decisions . . .

It's decision time again for me. And it's not something as simple as which line do I want to write for.

If you haven't seen it, there's been some exciting news in my household this week. My husband has been selected to be a Vice President with Michigan State University.

It was an easy decision. Mark's worked hard to get to this point. But, in life, love and marriage, something's gotta give, right?

Do you give up time with your two beautiful boys? Do you give up time with your husband when he's hardly ever home?

This isn't about the craft of writing but writing is a balancing game. Your first book isn't going to let you leave the day job. Maybe not even the second, third or fourth.

When I'm moving around on the floors of the ICU, the choices are hard, what's less important gets moved to the bottom. Sometimes, that's your meal for the shift.

My question is: Are your dreams worth putting at the bottom of the list? What if you aren't sure you know what direction you want to take that dream?

No answers. Just alot of hope and faith on this end.

No, I'm not going to quit writing, but I may have to cut down on eating for awhile. :-)



  1. Abbi!! Boy, do I know a lot about balance. Or the lack of it, more precisely. Writing will suck up every available space in your day if you let it.

    Me, I sacrificed sleep. And then hit a wall. Hmmm, maybe not the right choice.

    I don't have any encouraging words other than I wish you the VERY best of luck with seeking that new balance in your life.

    Tell your hubby I said congratulations!!

  2. Thanks, Amy. I've decided I'm going to have to give some things up.

    But, not my writing. ;-)

  3. HI Abbi, You will never give up your writing - it is part of who you are. But it's a very difficult decision trying to find what you can sacrifice. Boy, I wish I didn't need sleep - that would be the first to go!! We are all with you!
