Sunday, November 30, 2008

I. IS. DONE. (Part Deux)

My Golden Heart entry is done and has been submitted.

Can I do anything more?

Yep. One more thing to do . . . (coming soon).

BKB :-)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have nothing more to say. I am B-E-A-T.

BKB :-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm off for a few days for a trip to Michigan. I will still be writing though. Have those NaNoWriMo and GH deadlines to stress about.

Be safe.

BKB :-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Guy Gets Around . . .

I know this is probably very common, but I received my new batch of Harlequin books today, looked at a cover and thought "Hey, this guy looks familiar."

What do you think?

Modern Heat, 12/08

Modern Heat, 10/08

Silhouette Special Edition, 11/08

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Interrupt My NaNoWriMo . . .

For an important American Title V message from my critique partner, Jessica Darago:


The American Title contest is a joint project between Romantic Times Magazine and Dorchester Publishing. Each year, Dorchester selects a handful of submissions to compete for a publishing contract, and YOU, the readers, get to choose the winner.

To spread the word about the contest, finalist Jessica Darago (author of The Serpent's Tooth, a gothic historical), is raffling a $10 bookstore gift certificate to anyone who copies this message into his/her own blog. You don't have to vote for Jessica, or vote at all, to win. (But Jessica sure hopes you will!)

The winner may choose a gift certificate from Amazon, Powells, Fictionwise, or even iTunes (because audiobooks deserve love too).

To enter, copy this message to your own blog and leave a link to your post at

To vote for Jessica, send a blank email to with "The Serpent's Tooth" in the subject line.

Visit Jessica at for more information and a link to read all of the American Title entries.


'Nuff said.

BKB :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

NaNoWriMo Status

As of today at 3:25pm -- 5226 words.

I am behind by about 3000 words. Ughhhhh.

How is everyone else doing?

Back in a few days.

BKB :-)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Random Tweets

* 22:05 Cooked two dinners tonight and a birthday cake for hubby. #
* 08:03 I need to write more today for NaNoWriMo. #
* 09:14 Writing 'crap' is hard when you are Type A. #
* 09:15 Does writing 'crap' 250 times for one page count? #

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